House with Short Roof – TUD05


The buildings have been designed to allow for easy pre-painting of the components.

If you want to paint the inside of each level, you may prefer to do so before gluing the walls to the floor.

The outside walls of each level can be painted after they are glued to each floor but before the decorative beams are attached.

The floor support beams and decorative beams can be painted before they are glued to each level.


Please note that some sprues or parts may vary slightly.

Ground Floor

Build the ground floor walls and doorway panel as shown.

CAUTION: the wall panel with the single window MUST be on the right of the door and the two window wall on the left of the door.

Sort out the ground floor decorative beams taking care to make sure the leaded windows align with the openings on the ground floor.

Glue the door handles into the doors.

DO NOT GLUE: At this stage, you can insert the door lintel and door from the inside of the ground floor to help align the outer beams but DO NOT GLUE IT IN YET if you want to paint the door later.

To install the door, locate the pivot point on the bottom of the door in the hole of the floor. Then locate the lintel hole on the top of the door. You can then push the door lintel into the wall notches.

Push the lintel unitl it sits flush with the wall. It will protude from the front of the building by 2mm, this is used to help align the decorative beams.

The outer decorative beams are then glued to the ground floor as shown below.

Note the small thin outer beam above the door, this is quite a small component so take care not to lose it.

Once the decorative beams around the door are in place, the lintel and door can be removed for painting if required.

Sort out the window frames for the ground floor as below and glue into place.

Take care to align the window frames around each window so they are straight.

There is a small door frame component that fits on the top of the door as shown below.

First Floor

Glue the side walls to the first floor.

Once dry, glue the shorter floor support beams to the underneath of the floor first. Make sure they are seated well into the notches.

Then glue the longer floor support beams as shown.

Allow the floor support beams to dry, then glue on the outer decorative beams.

All of the window frames for the first floor are the same size. Glue them in place taking care to keep them straight and aligned to the windows.


Glue the end panel supports in place first.

Then attach the two end components.

Attach the shorter floor support beams top the underneath of the roof first.

Then attach the longer floor support beams.

Glue the decorative beams and window frames in place. Make sure the bottom notches of the decorative beams fit securely and the edges align at the top of the roof.

Attach the roof panels.

Fit the two end boards to the roof.

Finished Item